St Nicholas' is available for baptisms, weddings and funerals:
We have two forms of service celebrating babies and young children and asking for God's blessing them, sometimes called Christening. Both take place within a main Sunday gathering at 10.45am of the whole church. You might like to invite family and friends for either of these services:
1. Thanksgiving - we thank God for the gift of this new life
2. Baptism - parents and godparents make definite promises of Christian faith on behalf of the child, to bring them up within the family of the church to trust and follow the Lord Jesus.
Adults who want to follow Jesus and haven’t already been baptised should also come for baptism. If you want to join this church we can have a baptism either by pouring water (as with infants) or by immersion.
Contact the Office to discuss which is more appropriate for you.
Planning to get married? Congratulations!
We are delighted to have couples coming to get married in our lovely church. There are some legal requirements that have to be fulfilled before we can agree to a wedding, and we will provide marriage preparation sessions before the big day. To enquire about a wedding at St Nicholas' either come to a service and introduce yourselves, or contact the Office and someone will get back to you.
If you're thinking about a funeral, we want to help you at this difficult time.
Residents of the parish are eligible for burial in the churchyard or we can bury ashes following a church or crematorium funeral with cremation.
Please contact the Office directly if you have questions - or your Funeral Directors can book a date with us and we will call you straight away.